Yarn-Shui: The art of organizing and not obsessing

I have a honeycomb metal shelf where I have color-coded my skeins of standard yarn.

I roll my scrap yarn into balls and have lovely wicker baskets with similar shaped yarn balls for various scrap projects.

I have bins labeled by brand and/or bulk for easy identification.

Lastly, my specialty yarn is stored on display in pretty ways on decorative shelving.

I have been told that I have a slight obsession with yarn and organization. Up until recently, it didn’t occur to me that this could be construed as “a problem.”

Today, I cut ends from a project and put them in a colorful bowl of yarn confetti that, yes, I am saving, because what if a bird needs bits of yarn to build a new nest? It occurred to me, that maybe I was quick to condemn anyone labeling me “obsessed.” I think even the word “yarn addiction” was tossed out at me a time or two. Does anyone else regard their fiber as such a precious commodity? How do you organize your yarn and scraps? Does anyone else save their scraps for “what if” projects?! I have even had dreams of luxurious fibers. Oh goodness, have I gone too far? Help!?






Share your organizations tactics in the comments below!!

9 responses

  1. That has already motivated me. I store my in clear plastic containers and when I go to find something it makes a mess.

  2. I do nearly the same thing and I don’t think it is a problem. No one seems to object to the gifts they receive from me. Just enjoy your yarns and forget the sarcasm from others who don’t know the joy we receive from our craft time.

  3. I use shelves, bins, and back packs. Sometimes I do save the scraps to use as stuffing on 3D hats. I don’t think it’s an obsession. I think it’s part of who you are now, and you have to keep it organized because it can become overwhelming, and costly if you don’t keep up with everything.

  4. I have my in plastic bags with like colors and then those bags in plastic containers by yarn brand. Those bins are kept on wire shelves. I have a yarn inventory list that is saved and updated by computer. My small yarn amounts are kept saying almost the same in plastic bags similar colors and all kept in one large plastic container. Each container is labeled for my inventory list.

  5. Like you, I prefer fer to think of myself as ‘organised’ – although I can quite see how others may view my ways as obsessive compulsive 🙂 I have a craft/sewing/office room, so organisation in there is a must! However, my entire house is organised, down to the smallest of drawers. I love that I can say where something is and it will actually be there, unless hubby has been there first, of course 🙂 I have colour-coded drawers for each colour of yarn. Once they were almost overflowing, I stopped buying any more (except for balls that screamed they absolutely, positively must be bought lol). Now that they’re getting low on supplies, I’m fighting the urge to start buying and buying and…

  6. I have a hard time too throwing away scraps. But, you might find a local day care or girl scout groups that could also use the scraps in projects, etc. I bet they could learn from you too if you volunteer time with older girls.

  7. I keep all my scraps. I might need to whip up a quick flower or heart or something on a moment’s notice and my scraps will be there for such an emergency! 😊

  8. I have a reusable shopping bag from Cracker Barrel that is really big. It’s officially over flowing since my last trip to Joann’s (they had a great sale, I had to) and I have a canvas storage cube that I keep my yarn balls and the very few skeins of baby yarn I have. I use a little green cup to hold several hooks, my scissors, stitch markers and needle and as I cut yarn ends they go into the cup. When it gets full I put the ends outside under my Crepe Myrtle tree for the birds.

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