How to Make: Rice Crispy Peep Treats

How to Make: Rice Crispy Peep Treats

It’s that time of year when those Peep Treats appear on the store shelves. They brightly shine among the Easter candy. Yes, they are festive. Yes, they remind us of a certain holiday. Yes, they are almost an Easter Basket staple. But, ARE THEY a fan favorite? Peeps get a bit of a bad rap. Here is a great way to use them in a fun and festive sweet treat! They never will go to waste again!


Approximately 20-24 Peeps of any color
6 -7 cups of Crispy Rice Cereal
6-8 tblsps of butter

Preheat oven to 400*F

Butter a 9×13 cake pan
Line up your Peeps Marshmello treats in rows

Completely cover Peeps with your Crispy Rice Cereal. Let those Peep heads slightly peek out! LOL

Add pats of butter across the top of the cereal

Place pan in the oven for 8-10 minutes. Check after 6 minutes since each oven is differnt. Peeps will begin to puff up and the tops will appear toasted.

Butter should be melted. Remove from oven and stir all ingredients together.

Press firmly into pan and cool. Cut into squares and serve!  SO oooey goooey and delicious!

Optional: Sprinkle topping – sugars, confetti treats, m&ms, etc…

This is perfect for satisfying your sweet tooth!
Guaranteed Delicious!! Enjoy and be sure to share your treats on facebook and/or instagram and tag YARNutopia! Be sure to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, AND SHARE OUR OTHER CHANNEL HERE! 

Happy Hooking and Cooking!

~Fuad, Shannon, & Nadia

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