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A Little Crochet Comedy

Over the years of my crochet career, I am often caught off guard by some hilarious crochet humor and have been known to share a few of these memes from time to time.

This blog is a compilation of some very funny graphics depicting how comical crochet can truly be! These posts will really send a chuckle through the crochet community! I know there are many of you that can relate to these humorous lines!

This is my weapon of choice:

Been there, done that.

This one speaks for itself:

Everytime I stop at Herrschner’s, this happens to me:

Oh, those pesky ends!!

It’s called a project hangover:


I have a few true friends:



The best place to get your fiber:

They pile up fast!

I like to knit also, but this one is too funny to pass up!

And I’m prancing all the way there!

Have you ever tried to knit or crochet your noodles?

I’m a hustla baby:

Friday night fun! I party like a rockstar! A crochet rockstar!

That bunny better do the right thing:

NSFW (I laughed so hard, I snorted tea through my nose!):

Don’t be a wuss:

I get all kinds of crazy:


This wasn’t very nice, but I laughed so hard!!

Whenever you feel the need to get a good laugh, come back to this post.

Feel free to click on any photo and save it to your device and share it with all of your friends!

Do you have a funny meme or photo that is related to crochet? Share it on the Facebook page!



This post contains affiliate links, which I may be compensated for when you make a purchase. That means if you click on any link and buy from the linked websites, I will receive a small percentage of the value of your order. The amount you pay is not changed. Thank you for all your support in clicking the links in my blog!! You all are so amazing!! ~Nadia

The yarn provided for this pattern is courtesy of Red Heart Yarns



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