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Heart Will Lead You Home Blanket

A little over a month ago, I began to put this piece together. As I started to place the order of the granny squares, it suddenly made sense to artistically place them in a spiral pattern as if it is a path leading to a destination. After moving each piece around it made sense to have the ‘trail’ end with a big heart. Hence the name, Heart Will Lead You Home Blanket. Little did I know that it was taking me on the path of finding its way to meaning more than just a granny square blanket.

More than a blanket, it tells a story

Although it starts as a series of squares, sometimes a project becomes more than just that and takes on a life of it’s own. It becomes a piece of art or a purpose. This blanket was that and more for me! Using basic granny square stitches I connected my trail of squares that made up my spiral design. Then, using the same stitch, I completed the body of the blanket in 4 parts. Working inward from each side and up and down in the center, I was able to achieve the look I was hoping for. After that, I needed to frame it and the border had to tie this all together. I stumbled upon this border by Rainbow Knits and I knew that it would be the perfect addition. The border design was the right touch to finishing this off beautifully. Props to the designer for clear and precise instructions for helping me top off this blanket with such lovely detail. And, who doesn’t love hearts!?

There’s a reason

Earlier this year, I was visiting with Nate’s aunt and uncle, and during the conversation it came up about a community fundraising auction where the money raised would provide fresh water for villages in Uganda. Upon doing some research on this local (their small community of 9,100 people) organization, I found that it was created and run in memory of a young man who lost his life in a car accident at 17 years old. provides aid to numerous causes throughout their community and the world.

I knew that I had to get involved so I reached out to the organizer who happens to be the mother of the young man who lost his life. I offered to donate my blanket to be auctioned off as part of their upcoming fundraiser in hopes that the money donated can provide fresh water to those in need. She was so gracious and kind. Through research, I saw her own efforts to make this happen in photos of her in the villages in Africa doing great works of providing water to remote areas. Do you realize that 8 Million people in Uganda don’t have access to safe water, and over 4,000 children die every year from diarrhea caused by unsafe water and poor sanitation?! It occurred to me that in this small community, one heart, one individual, surrounded by the support of a community and the world, can make a difference and make change locally and abroad. The heart border surrounding the trail leading to one heart at the end seemed so appropriate for this! It all made sense. It was perfectly symbolic. A family, a tiny community, can begin to heal by making such a positive impact out of a heartbreaking and tragic loss.

For anyone who has been through something life changing, tragic, or negative, taking that experience and turning it into good can be incredibly healing. It may NEVER take away the pain fully, but having purpose can make an enormous amount of difference in dealing with pain. Big or small, we all have the ability to help and support one another and even change the world in a small way.

This project has a larger purpose

As we come to the last few months of our granny squares, each blanket made has or will be donated or shared with someone in need or someone who will benefit from this work that I am doing. In my final blog, at the end of this year, I will provide more information on where each piece will hopefully find it’s way to and will continue until each square is included in a blanket and each blanket finds a home.

As always, thank you for being part of this 365 Day journey. Each stitch we share, each square we create, each project we complete is one step closer to making our world a little warmer place to be…

Much love, Nadia ♥

Below is the final blanket piece and the list of squares used.

Starting from the top left, working our way to the center:
Number 133
Number 125
Number 66
Number 210
Number 114
Number 163
Number 9
Number 157
Number 122
Number 151
Number 139
Number 148
Number 136
Number 180
Number 143
Number 152
Number 85
Number 63
Number 184
Number 188
Number 206
Number 208
Number 177
Number 135
Number 137
Number 176
Number 159
Number 67
Number 149
Number 141
Number 42

To make the border, follow this link to get the pattern

To see all 365 Days of Granny Squares click here.

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