Yarn-Shui: The art of organizing and not obsessing

I have a honeycomb metal shelf where I have color-coded my skeins of standard yarn.

I roll my scrap yarn into balls and have lovely wicker baskets with similar shaped yarn balls for various scrap projects.

I have bins labeled by brand and/or bulk for easy identification.

Lastly, my specialty yarn is stored on display in pretty ways on decorative shelving.

I have been told that I have a slight obsession with yarn and organization. Up until recently, it didn’t occur to me that this could be construed as “a problem.”

Today, I cut ends from a project and put them in a colorful bowl of yarn confetti that, yes, I am saving, because what if a bird needs bits of yarn to build a new nest? It occurred to me, that maybe I was quick to condemn anyone labeling me “obsessed.” I think even the word “yarn addiction” was tossed out at me a time or two. Does anyone else regard their fiber as such a precious commodity? How do you organize your yarn and scraps? Does anyone else save their scraps for “what if” projects?! I have even had dreams of luxurious fibers. Oh goodness, have I gone too far? Help!?






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