Time to Change Direction

Time to Change Direction

Very often, I’ll make a list or itinerary of what projects I want to work on or which ones pique my interest. I have no idea how many works in progress I have going on because sometimes the inspiration is so strong to work on something and then a few days later…meh…and there it sits. Yet, there is always something that gets my creative energy charged, and that, my YARNutopians, is the key to picking my next project.

What’s on my hook today?

I started off with the best intentions to work on a few summer projects and started them in hopes to film before the snow flies. Well, all the best intentions are just that, intentions. I have them started, they are not going anywhere, I will finish them, SOMEDAY. Just not today. Instead, my direction has changed because of the most exciting news that a close friend had a baby! So, I guess in the world of crochet, we go with the creative flow. Because I went from hooking up a swimsuit cover-up to a baby blanket all in the matter of minutes! Talk about a 180!

Babies and Blankets, oh my!

This particular blanket is using a new design which is so fun to make! I am using Lion Brand Yarn Basic Stitch in the color Frost to begin this fabulous piece. Look at that texture and softness!


There is just something so alluring about this minty color in a baby layette! I can’t wait to see the impact this is going to make when I am done!

What about you?

What inspires you? Is it personal wants or needs? Is it something you are creating to gift to someone? Is it based on when the inspiration hits, or is it the news of someone having a baby, getting married, a holiday or some event that gets your hook moving???

Share your inspiration here!