A Temporary Transition

A Temporary Transition

As some of you may have noticed, I have been somewhat MIA on my social media and on my blog for a little bit. I have been posting and have been a little active, just not as much as I usually am. There’s a reason for that.

Last week, I ended up in the hospital. I was having a lot of issues with my body and baby, so I went into the Emergency Room. The doctors here in La Crosse, WI did not feel confident, and the scope of my issues were outside of the range they felt comfortable dealing with. They felt things were emergent to either med-flight or rush me to Mayo Hospital in Rochester, Minnesota.

It was decided that was going to be rushed by ambulance, but Nate could not accompany me on the ride. He came behind and my mom met us up at Mayo Hospital. I was in the hospital for nearly a week with several complications making it impossible for me to manage at home.

It was decided that upon release from the hospital, I could return home short term while a social worker from the hospital would work on a short term relocation plan for me. For these last few weeks before delivery, I will be staying in Rochester near the hospital in an extended stay apartment. This way, I will be close by the hospital in case anything emergent happens again.

What is going on?

In the recent blog where I shared my pregnancy photos, I mentioned that the doctors have taken me off of all my medications that help to keep my Crohn’s disease under control while I work towards remission. Now, off of the medication, my body has started to get weaker. I ended up with an infection and the infection put my body into a full-on flare.

Since I don’t have a large intestine, my small intestine has to learn the job of what its old companion had done. I have to draw my nourishment, vitamins, minerals, fluids, and much more from my small intestine similarly to what the body does with the large intestine. Not only do I rely on that intake, that same intake is what is helping to keep baby healthy. When I got sick last week, the function of the small intestine failed me, and my body was having a difficult time absorbing ANYTHING. This made it difficult to keep food down, my body was severely dehydrated, and some of my blood test numbers were dropping making it difficult to keep my nourishment markers where they needed to be.

Because I am pregnant, normal options for treatment aren’t always viable because they can affect the baby. There were so many limitations that the doctors could treat me with. It took some time and patience, but we were able to find a way for me to gain some control over my body without causing more stress to me or baby. At least, for now, it was enough to go home and prepare for this upcoming relocation.

What will this mean for YARNutopia?

I am home for a few days. Soon, I will transition to an apartment closer to the hospital in Minnesota. I will stay there temporarily until our baby is born. Nate will be with me on the weekends, and my mom will be coming to stay with me during the weekdays, as I can’t be alone. All my care will continue through Mayo Clinic in Rochester.

(Pictured above is a photo of my mom and me in the hospital last week)

(Pictured above is me, feeling better)

Because of this transition, I won’t be able to be as active or as present on my social media sites. I won’t be checking out completely though! No way! I love my social media! I will, however, be taking a small step back to get things under control with my health and prepare for delivery. There are LOTS of appointments, checkups, and tests to be done in these last few weeks! But don’t worry! I will do what I can, when I can! So, please keep checking the Facebook page, click on the links I share, share photos of your work. I’ll be crocheting to pass some time, and I hope to keep on keeping on. I will be sure to check in as often as I can!!

I will also try to update you as much as possible. Until baby arrives, the most I will be doing is trying to keep as healthy as I can so he can be inside growing and developing. We need him to be the strongest he can be! We are almost to his due date, so we are hoping for a not so bumpy ride to get there! Haha!

In the next few weeks, I am still hopeful to post some new blogs, a few new posts, and whatever I can do, but in the meantime, I will pull from the archives some great classic patterns, some oldies but goodies, and I will share work from my fellow designers! And once baby is here and I am recovered, I will be back better and stronger than ever!

Until then, Happy Hooking!


100 responses

  1. Prayers for u ,baby & family . Can’t wait for baby pics . Take care of urself & rest .we will all be here waiting when u are well enough to post .

    • Sending lots of prayers and love to you and your baby. Take good care of the two of you <3

  2. Prayers for you and your baby! Loved seeing your smile despite all that is happening.

    • Sending you all the love and prayers nadia!
      I am glad there is a good strong plan in place and glad you’re feeling better.
      Love the picture of you and you mom.

  3. Keep well Nadia, all that matters is the health of you and baby. We are all rooting for you and are patient for you and your sons return together!

    Love you so much and cant wait to meet Nate jr.
    Cheryl xo 💕💙

  4. Take as much time as you need. You are a wonderful caring lady who has given so much to people and now it’s time for you to be looked after xo
    Your hooking fan Sharon

  5. Thank you for being so open and vulnerable in allowing us to be a part of your journey. We want the best for you. Take care of yourself! Love and prayers to you and your family.

  6. You keep amazing me. You are very strong woman. My prayers and good thoughts go out to you n family. Keep the faith.

  7. Prayers to you and your baby also your family we all will waiting for as long as it takes for you and baby to be deliver and you to regain your health and strength,God be you all ,your fan vicky

  8. Hold strong Nadia! Praying your body responds to the option your Dr. decided to try. Try to rest and focus only on the babe and yourself. The finish line is in site. Xo Rhondda

  9. You were so wise to know when to get help! I don’t I’ll be praying for you and your baby. Prayers for your mom and hubby too.

  10. Continued prayers for you and your baby!! As much as I love your tutorials, and blog posts, I think we would love to see you healthy holding a healthy baby more!!

  11. Praying for you & your family. Take care of you & baby & we will all be here when you get back. That’s the most important thing right now. <3

  12. Thank you for taking the time to let us know what’s happening, dearest Nadia. Please know that you, Nate and baby are in my daily prayers. Take the greatest care of yourself, for your sake and your family’s, and for us, too. You are very much loved. Sending you hugs and love xxx

  13. What a brave and wonderful woman you are. I can not imagine the strength it takes for you to battle all your health challenges. God has such a wonderful plan for you and your family. You are in my prayers and I’m sending you much love! 💕💕💕

  14. You are one of the bravest and strongest young women I know. Take care of yourself and the baby, and all us fans will be here after he arrives!

  15. I’m glad to hear you are feeling better. Your and your babies health are real important especially at this time. I will be keeping you and your baby in my thoughts and prayers.

  16. The most Important thing is to take care of yourself. We will still be here when you return. Prayers for you, the baby, Nate and your family.

  17. Nadia, thank you for the update. Prayers for you and your baby. I love watching your video tutorials. You inspired me to get back into crochet and I think you are the absolute BEST teacher and a true inspiration. Take care.

  18. hi, don’t worry about us crocheters, you just get yourself and baby well and I am sure that you will be back in full force after a couple of months from now. The main thing is not to stress out and know that God is with you and your little one.

  19. Tons of love, prayers, and sentiments going out to you from all over the world, so there’s really nothing new I can say here, but if there was anything I could do which would be the least bit of help to you, Nate, your Mom, or anyone else close to you then I would do it in a heartbeat. Since there’s nothing and my hands are tied I’ll just keep praying and sending positive energies your way not only now, but after baby comes and and things settle down (as much as they can with a new baby in the house! hahaha) Rest and remember that preparing your mind and soul as well as your body is also very important!
    Tons of love and prayers and best wishes for you all!

    Carol Ann Hoy

    • You just focus on you and your son. Everything else will work itself out or wait till after the baby arrives safe and sound.

  20. I just knew something was up! I will continue to pray for you all and for an easy journey to the finish line. Love from California.

  21. Nadia, you are quite the inspiration of strength and loyalty!! I’m sending you and baby some good vibes and please just focus on staying healthy for the both of you!! We will anxiously be waiting here for your safe return!! Much love fro Ohio!!
    Robert Roth 💖💖💖

  22. Prayers for you and baby! Don’t worry about all of us “happy hookers”, we will always be here waiting <3

  23. Girlfriend, I know you don’t know me from Adam, Eve or anybody else, but I’ma still going to call you girlfriend. Girl, you do you and baby and don’t worry your beautiful mind about your tutorials and blogs. You have so many items posted it would take an average person many years to get through everything.

    You are a beautiful, caring person so hang in there because we all want you healthy so your child and hubby can experience your beautifulness for years n years.

    I have to say you are one brave ass women, girl, and your bravery should be written in the history books. I get a sliver and I’m calling 911 with a quickness and MUCH drama. You on the other hand keep trucking along doing your thang AND post videos. Girl, I honor you on bended knee, and hope my granddaughters grow up to be just like you. Heck when I grow up I wanna be just like you!

    Take care of yourself sweetheart. The blog will be there upon your return and we all will be patiently waiting for you, Nick, baby and family.

    Hugs to you sistahgurl. Blessed Be!

    Carmelle SpinWeaver

  24. I saw your WIP Wednesday video on YouTube and came over to read your blog. Prayers for you, Nat and baby. Take care.

  25. Hang in there Nadia. Your crochet friends are behind you all the way. Please don’t worry about us. We will be here when you can return. You and baby are in our thoughts and prayers as the time quickly approaches for birth. Soon this will all be a distant memory as you hold your healthy baby. We can’t wait! Shawna

  26. Hope everything goes OK,we’ll all be waiting here in pei Canada,to see your baby boy, hugs

  27. Dear Nadia the only thing that matters right now is you and that sweet baby waiting to be born…We all love you so much we will be waiting patiently for news he has arrived safely and we will be here when you are ready to come back and teach us again, I’m pretty sure i can say with confidence Your Health and the health of your baby boy is what’s most important to all your Yarnutopia family
    Much Love and Many Blessings Nadia

  28. Nadia- You are a medical warrior. You have some time to really rest now, before the baby. You have outstanding medical professionals looking after you and be confident in their ability to care for you. I don’t know your exact due date, but if you only have a few weeks, you’ve made it further than me. My 2 boys were 6 lbs and a few weeks early. They grew fine, now over 6 feet, healthy and have families of their own.
    Your life will change in wonderful ways very soon.

  29. Nadia: You will be in our prayers for a quick recovery so that you can welcome your new baby into
    this world safely! Thinking of you!

  30. God bless you and baby boy. You all are in my prayers. Hold on to God’s unchanging hand. He is there with you and baby. God speed. Love you both.

  31. Nadia & family,
    Sending you Prayers & more prayers! Take care of your health, your the only one who can supply lil’ one with the nourishment he needs to come into the world! You & he are most important right now !! Don’t worry about posting things, we will be right here whenever you’re ready! TRUST THAT!!!❤ Good luck & Gods Speed! Love, Linda Stout

  32. You and Nate will make wonderful parents and that will be one lucky little boy. You take very special care of yourself and we will all be here waiting for you when you are ready. My prayers are with you and your family.

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