Memory Lane 2018

Memory Lane 2018

Each year, at this time I find myself becoming very reflective. I look back and see how far I have come in the past 12 months. This particular year has been a year of big changes and growth not only here on YARNutopia, but in my personal life as well. The following blogs are my top memories of 2018.


One of the highlights of the past year was day-trippin’ through three states just for yarn. We are all crazy like that…amiright? Follow this link below to read about this fun adventure I had with my mom!


Well it is no secret that 2018 was a BIG year for me! As we work our way through these memories, one of the best parts was getting to share my wedding day with my squad! My girls lived all over the globe, and it was such a special event for us to all get together for my wedding. Sarah came from Comoros, Africa, Nida arrived from Texas (and now is studying medicine in the Caribbean!!), and Samantha lives on the complete opposite side of the state from me. My wedding was one day where all my beauties could be with me and share in my joy. To commemorate this occasion, I made each of my bridesmaids these beautiful shawls! This memory is such a special one that holds such a dear place in my heart. Click the link below to read all about it and to discover the pattern for a great shawl!



2018 we launched our first mailing list! I did my first email blast and sent out a fun newsletter! So much to share in the new year so be sure to follow the link below so you too can be part of my email inner circle!



Oh boy! One of the most hilarious and wild weekends I had this past year was a trip to Chicago for Stitches Midwest! That was one weekend I will never forget! Have you attended one of these events? If not you will have to check it out! Go to the blog below and be sure to read all about our weekend adventure with The Marly Bird, Erin Lane, Leon Alexander and so many others! I still smile when I think of all the fun!


Drop everything and hear this! 2018 was EPIC in more ways than I can count! You know why?? Because this year marked my 10th year without a colon. You know the old saying No Colon, Still Rollin’ – yeah, I know that one isn’t popular among the masses, but that one is practically my life motto! LOL That is because I am living it! 10 years of an insane roller coaster ride with illness that has pretty much commandeered my life. It hasn’t always been pretty, but I have survived, for 10 years, and I thank God every day. I’m not cryin’ nope, not me 😢 It really is a miracle. There’s not much more to say than that. Go read about it…


Ok, well, we all know that my list of fave memories of the past year can’t pass us by without paying a bit of homage to Halloween! Each year, I try to outdo my past costume ensembles, and this year was definitely a challenge. So much thought, planning and preparations go into making these costumes that Nate and I wear each year. Nate was born to wear that Oompa Loompa Costume! We always have so much fun and enjoy bringing this to our YARNutopians each and every year! We already are thinking ahead to 2019. I wonder what’s in store for us next year?! Go check out more great pictures of our costumes here:

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Characters



Queue the ooooooohhs and ahhhhhhs! Seriously one of the best memories of 2018 was adding these two furballs to our family! We rescued Fern and Jade in April 2018, and for the past 8 months they have brought so much joy and happiness to our home and our lives. I know you will all be seeing them much more in the year ahead. They love the camera! Read about how we rescued these two kitties and how excited we are to have them!


Ok, so our countdown to the best memory in 2018 goes without saying…It was our wedding. I crocheted so many details for our big day and here I share all the highlights along with some special photos of our wonderful event. Thank you all for being part of not only this special day, but the journey of this past year. I love that you are a part of all these memories! ♥ ♥


Thank you for sharing this journey with me and letting me stroll down memory lane. The holidays always bring out the nostalgia in me as I look back at all that lead me to this moment and look to what is ahead. Stay tuned for many more exciting events in the new year!! Thank you for joining me on this memorable, yarn-filled journey!

Share in the comments some of your memories of the past year and what is in store for you in the year ahead!




3 responses

  1. Nadia Thank you so much for sharing your memories you have been a remarkable person with the bumps you have overcome in life at such a young age and your determination is speechless. You are so talented and I look forward to your emails. I wish you and your family the very best holiday season and the best in the years to come. Merry Christmas Lana

    Sent from my iPad


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