Let’s Play A Game!

Let’s Play A Game!

Below is a fun checklist of things found in a yarn bag! We carry our lives around in our totes and this game gives points for all the things we can find in there! Take a moment to go through your bags and tally your points for this activity. What is the craziest thing you have in your bag today?? How many points did you get??

Here’s My Score: 148 Points!

This activity was prompted because I was cleaning up my bag and found some packets of hot sauce and a diaper in my yarn tote! LOL I realized that I can’t be the only one who has this problem. I remembered playing a “What’s In Your Bag?” game at a bridal shower some time ago, and decided to make a game out of this to share with all of you!

Share your score in the comments!

My Crafty Wishlist

My Crafty Wishlist

I spend a lot of time in the yarn aisle whenever I find myself out shopping. I also find myself drawn to beautiful fibers each time I see an attractive item in housewares. Clothing with crochet detail always catches my attention. It has become innate to be enticed to anything related to my passion. So is it any wonder that my wish list grows each time I head out to do some retail therapy??

I have a lot of self-control. I have developed it over the years as a need-based defense mechanism. Without it, I would go completely broke! But, that doesn’t mean I can’t dream, and hope that one day I might splurge (first I have a wedding to pay for so for now, admiring from a distance is ok)!

Hand Beaded Silk Yarn - 7 Pack
I love a good sale! I love shopping the internet for the best deal! Today, I worked some of my research magic to find some great deals on my “Wish List” items!! I am tucking these away here on my blog to revisit. Maybe in some future blog posts, I might actually follow through with a splurge and these items might make an appearance.

Today’s items are things I hope to one day add to my craft room! As you all know, our personal spaces are ever evolving. I can imagine the same will be the case for me as time goes by. One of our YARNutopians made a suggestion following my recent blog post in which I talked about my recent room remodel. That got me thinking of the future and some small touches I can see adding.

I have linked my 5 wish list items below:

This Grey Letter Board!

I have always wanted a letter board. I love motivational quotes and this board makes the idea of changing the quotes daily or weekly a fun decorating idea for my craft room. Inspiration in my personal space is a fun way to keep me motivated and add that personal touch.




This Office Chair!

Presently, in my studio, I sit in a swivel backless stool that offers nothing in the line of back support. In my new studio space that we created in my new house, I have an old dining room chair pulled up to my work station. I would love to have a swivel office chair with some lumbar support while I work. I feel the hours I spend filming and crafting deserves to be spent in a little more comfort than I have been settling for. This is on the top of the list!



This Cool Wall Stencil!!

I stated earlier that I love fun quotes! I stumbled across some fantastic wall decals and thought a decal on my empty wall would be a great idea to add a little bit of whimsy to an empty wall. I love these! I have seen them used tastefully in decorating!




This Craft Room Lamp

I imagine spending lots of hours in my new craft cave! There is a window for natural light, but as the days get shorter and it becomes dark earlier, I found this nice lamp to brighten up my room while I curl up on the big comfy chair to crochet. Sometimes in dim lighting, especially working with dark yarn, it is hard to see my stitches. Having a lamp like this would be a great tool to cut down on my eye strain and increase my productivity!






This Craft Supplies Cart!

Currently, when I am filming, I have my supplies piled up on my table off screen. I reach over to grab what I need during filming from the pile I created prior to filming. It is easiest to have my supplies all at hand and within reach, BUT it clutters up my off screen space making me feel overwhelmed by the disorganization. I have always wanted a craft cart but never had the room! In my new studio and craft room, the idea of having a cart to my side (off camera) to organize my supplies needed during filming will make production so much easier and seamless. I can reach over to grab anything I need without the crowding on my work table.

Do you have a ‘wish list’ item you would love to add to your personal crafting/crochet space? If so, what would you add to your list?

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Tips on Homemade Gift Giving

Tips on Homemade Gift Giving

Over the years, I have found that giving crocheted gifts has been well received. Even my brother has raided my stockpile of crochet items for cowls, hats, scarves, and items to give to his own friends. People love a well-made item. Giving someone something homemade, especially made with love, is priceless.

Here is a quick checklist on what to do when preparing to give a homemade gift of crochet.

Give yourself plenty of time

Start early to avoid stress and pressure of finishing something you are aware has a deadline. Don’t wait until the last minute to start a stack of crochet projects on December 1st for Christmas gifts or a baby blanket two weeks before a baby shower, UNLESS you are a seasoned crochet artist with years of experience and have no worry working under those high pressure deadlines.

Tackle a project or idea that falls within the range of your skill set and time frame, so crochet is a pleasure and not a chore.  Even if you want to take on a challenge of something that you have never tried before, having enough time to learn and complete it will remove some of the anxiety of trying something new. That way, if you run into issues experimenting, you will accomplish something doable without the frustration of getting in “over your head” when you have the time to “play around” with a new pattern.

Personally, I have to give myself time. I have good intentions when tackling a project, but I have learned, nothing ever goes quite the way I plan. Even when I give myself time to finish, I find that I am running up to the very last moment of my timeline!

Make Lists

Who is on your gift giving list? Are you tackling a project for one individual or a list of people? Once you answer these questions, make a list of who you are gifting to. Then, decide what you plan to make for each of them. Then, make a list of the supplies needed for each project. Here is where things might get a bit costly. If you have a large list of people you want to make gifts for, breaking down the supplies into smaller purchases takes off some of the financial pressure of doing them all at once. Working on a single or even a couple of projects to completion, and then comprising another list to tackle the rest of your list makes the blow to the pocketbook a little easier to manage.

The next step is to give yourself a REALISTIC and liberal time frame to finish the project. Here is where I always end up in a trap! I always underestimate the time frame I can complete a project. Even as a seasoned crochet artist, I cannot plan for those unpredictable circumstances. It is impossible to prep for the unknown. I can sit down with the best intentions to spend the evening crocheting and friend might drop by, or my best friend who is in the Peace Corp in Africa has an internet connection and wants to have a Skype date! I love crochet, but there are definitely times when my crochet projects take a back burner to other more important things! That is part of life! So always make sure that you allow for those times.

Set goals

When I was making the G.G. Cardigan, I sat down and counted how many squares I needed to make. Then I planned the time frame it would take to reasonably make this coat. My circumstances are different than most, but the principle still applies. I set a goal of how many squares I needed to do in a specific time frame. I took the total number and the time I planned to make it and divided. Example: If I needed 70 squares, I wanted to finish it in 2 weeks, which meant I needed to do 5 squares a day or 10 squares every other day.

Presently, I have been working on my wedding flowers (tutorials to come). I want to make a variety of flowers for different things, my bouquets, boutonnieres, centerpieces, the place cards with coordinating floral details that are color coded for my menu options, etc. This is a HUGE undertaking. I needed to make 2 flowers each day for the year (we got engaged in March 2017 and are getting married in March 2018). Yeah, that isn’t happening. I have a little over 100 flowers done. I have to really amp up my production if I am going to meet this deadline, and I will, but that means changing my expectations. When I miss a day or two, I will sit down and make up a dozen or more flowers to catch up. It has been pretty successful. Again, so much comes in the way of meeting those goals so be sure to account for that!

Homemade gifts will be treasured for years to come, but remember that the goal of giving them with no pressure and stress is our hope and expectation. Try to avoid that last minute pressure and stress that sends you on a stream of made up curse words going off in your head as you crochet like fiends the night before!! I can’t tell you how many times that has happened to me! HAHA! We have all been there and done that!

Are you a plan ahead crochet artist?? Or are you the one that is pulling the all-nighter to finish in time to give a gift? No matter which way you function, I hope crochet continues to bring you joy under every circumstance!

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Photos embedded in this blog were found on Google.com.

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