Inner Peace Blanket

Inner peace (or peace of mind or inner calmness) refers to a state of being mentally and spiritually at peace, with enough knowledge and understanding to keep oneself strong in the face of discord or stress.”

Finding inner peace is not always easy. Oftentimes, we find ourselves at a crossroads of choices that we need to make to find that path to peacefulness. That is the inspiration for this fourth blanket in our series of charity blankets that I have made using squares from the 365 Days of Granny Squares.


It has only been a few days since we have completed the year of granny squares project, yet, the squares have piled up in stacks in my craft room over the past 12 months. All of these squares will find their way to those in need. This beautiful blanket I just completed will be sent to Project Linus. You can read about this organization here.

Each square was chosen from our vast collection of squares, and I placed them in a frame with an ‘X’ leading to a center PEACE SIGN square. The name and definition makes this very appropriate to send to this charity organization.

I made rows of double crochet in strips and attached each square, then attached the strips using the single crochet method. I did a simple border using double crochet as well. This blanket was a lot of fun to make!


I have spent many, many months in the hospital over the past 9 years. Sometimes, spending more days in the year in the hospital than out. One of the most comforting things I brought from home was my homemade blankets. Snuggling up with that warm piece of home in an otherwise clinical, and sometimes miserable environment, can make all the difference to someone who needs every comfort they can find. I hope this blanket can bring that to someone special and provide a tiny bit of peace at a difficult time. So much love goes into my creations when I make them. It’s my way of putting good out into the world one stitch, one granny square, at a time!

If you are interested in seeing my other projects, check out the links above the video in this blog.

Below is a list of the squares used in this project:
You can click each number and it will take you to its video tutorial

Number 216
Number 86
Number 62
Number 144
Number 221
Number 205
Number 238
Number 243
Number 71
Number 124
Number 255
Number 102
Number 203
Number 119
Number 126
Number 193
Number 187
Number 183
Number 222
Number 26
Number 102
Number 134
Number 236
Number 18
Number 247
Number 153
Number 202
Number 120
Number 199
Number 215
Number 207
Number 132
Number 117
Number 161
Number 108
Number 155
Number 201

To see all 365 Days of Granny Squares click here.

Yay! I did it!


It has been no secret that for the past 8 years, I have been battling severe illness as I continue to fight Crohn’s disease. By the end of 2015, I had spent a good portion of another year hospitalized after having 2 major surgeries. I was determined to go into 2016 with hopes for better health. There was a scary episode at the end of 2015 where I went septic and things were pretty bleak. That experience, and the fact that it brought me too close for comfort to no longer being here on Earth, was what inspired me to take on the challenge of a 365 day project. Yes, I know, nothing like a brush with death to make you want to look forward in life! Seize the day; or, in my case, more than 365 of them!

This was my status on Personal Facebook Account on the very last day of 2015. Thank you for being my stars! I love you all!!


I wanted to start the new year with a project that would chronicle days I could try to stay out of the hospital. Following surgery in December 2015, I remember late night talks with my mom about challenging myself to work toward a long term goal. This particular challenge had to be something that wasn’t too overwhelming. (Note: a 365 day project, no matter how small it seems at the time, can sometimes get overwhelming) I decided on crocheting a single granny square each day with the help of my dad who would record a video tutorial of each afghan block. Each day that I was able to stay out of the hospital was another day that I would work toward health and wellness. Each square represented a step in this journey. I was able to make it nearly 8 months before I ended up in the hospital again, but even then, I was able to continue filming my tutorials from my hospital room. I remember saying often that nothing could happen to me all year because I HAD TO get that daily square filmed and posted! Not only were people counting on me, I was counting on myself!

And so it commenced, we started filming our first granny square on December 31st, 2015 to launch on January 1st, 2016. YARNutopia’s 365 Days of Granny Squares tutorials were born.

Beginning and Near Endings

This project began as a very personal goal, I had a small following on my Facebook page and YouTube channel, and wasn’t sure if this would even be something that would catch on. Would I just be on my own for a year making squares? Honestly, I had zero idea of how this would turn out, and because of that, I failed to foresee a few issues that arose during the process. For the most part, it went quite well right out of the gate. I was keeping up the pace, squares upon squares, one a day with no problem. Until…I had a problem.

In my zeal to get started, I failed to garner the proper permission to film some of the squares that had free patterns available online. I was contacted by some of the designers that I filmed their squares without their OK. They had a totally valid position, and for the most part, handled professionally and successfully. It was my own misunderstanding to not consider going through proper channels, and it resulted in a few squares being removed from the early part of the project. This helped to change my course. I went through the correct procedures moving forward. It forced me to push myself even further to design my own squares. A total of 33 of my own designs were part of this project. It taught me extremely valuable lessons in the process. That can be humbling to go through.

Sometimes, it takes finding yourself in an uncomfortable position to really push yourself to get more creative. I remember considering giving up. That was until one particular keyboard warrior wrote to me with a few intense, nasty, and unnecessary insults to really push me right back up again. To anyone I hurt in this process, my sincerest apologies. For anyone who tried to come at me to hurt me or get me to quit, thanks for everything. It was because of what you did that made me want to finish. That was a turning point. Moving forward things were otherwise very successful and positive.

A Debt of Gratitude

There is no way a project this lofty could have been accomplished solely on my own. As mentioned earlier, I was able to garner permission from a wide array of incredible designers that allowed me the opportunity to use one or many of their patterns in my project. There is a list at the end of this blog linking every designer that contributed their designs. PLEASE, I implore you all to visit their websites, blogs, Ravelry stores, and Facebook pages. “Like” and “Follow” these amazing, creative people. There would be no 365 Days of Granny Squares without their help. I wish I could gather everyone who helped me on this daily endeavor and give these ladies and gentlemen a standing ovation! I owe each of them a debt of deep genuine gratitude. I learned so much from every square. I am literally in tears writing this part of the blog because it is difficult to put into words what this entire process meant to me. I can look at certain squares and remember what they represent in this journey. There is a square on the day I had to have another biopsy. There are squares that represent health victories and squares that represent some rough patches. 2016 brought so many highlights, and there is a square that reflects many of those amazing personal moments. Although this started out as my own journey, it became so much more than I could have ever imagined. These granny squares truly became my journal written in yarn.

The hunt for squares

The process of finding squares for my year long quest was somewhat of a challenge to search online for free patterns from designers. If their written patterns were easy to follow and understand, I would contact them to ask permission to use their design. As I said, were numerous amazing designers that lent their patterns. Up until the very end I was receiving requests and replies to use patterns, but the year ran out of days! Their patterns are an incredible tool for those who are participating in the 365 Days of Granny Squares project. Having the accompanying written instructions to assist with the tutorial has helped tremendously for people wanting to learn how to read patterns, as well as those who prefer that over a video tutorial. At the bottom of the 365 Days of Granny Squares blog, I listed the designers’ links to their written patterns. In my video tutorials, I mention the designer and pattern name for that particular square, and I share a link to the written pattern in the description of each video tutorial on YouTube. I also share a link to their written pattern on social media when I share the square of the day every morning. All of these things help followers network with so many in our crochet community.

Yarn for days!

When taking on a project of this magnitude, planning ahead was a necessity. Thankfully I had scrap yarn to get things started which saved me from having to purchase a bunch of yarn for this monumental project. This ENTIRE task was accomplished using ALL scrap yarns that I have collected in my stash over time. I began the project using Red Heart Yarns in Super Saver and kept that constant through the entire year. There was no waste when using yarn scraps, and it keeps everything consistent by using the same fiber and brand for each square. I tried keeping the supplies for this project as modest as possible.

You can’t plan for everything!

Taking on this mission also meant that I had to plan for all sorts of situations. There was so much concealed when I took on this project that lasted for 365 days. Over the course of the year, we experienced many technical difficulties. We had upload fails, we accidentally released videos in the wrong order, and we mixed up footage. If you can imagine all the possibilities of accidents that could go wrong over an entire year adventure, we probably encountered a majority of them. My dad and I had a very good system worked out, and filming a daily video went fairly smoothly. However, nothing about this was predictable. Filming in the hospital became necessary at one point during this journey. If I was able to keep the squares in order, and not have any breaks, it meant having my dad bring the studio to my hospital room. Again, at this point while feeling so ill, I thought about giving up on this project, but I had gotten so far, so giving up was no longer an option. Sometimes it was necessary to film a few days in advance to bank up some tutorials in case I was unable to be in the studio. Whether I filmed one video a day, or filmed a few in a day to take some time off, I would always add the daily square to the blog, and I posted the new square to my social media sites every single morning when I woke up. Although we had a few mix-ups and personal mishaps, there have been no late granny squares, and I was able to accomplish everything I had hoped for.

To those who participated in the journey

The feedback throughout this process has been unbelievable. Along the way, I was lifted up in ways I cannot put into words. The growing following that came every day to post, discuss, and share their thoughts about the day’s square was incredible.

I want to take a moment to thank every one of you who were here. Even if I didn’t comment on each post every day, I read and saw it all — every single square, every beautiful color combination, and every kind word you said to me and to each other. How do I say thank you for all that you did for me and for one another? I’m so proud of my YARNutopia community! Thank you for showing up every single day. You may not know this, but it was each of YOU who inspired me each day to show up, work hard, and keep going. Every message and kind word went straight to my heart. This project was a collective effort from all of us. WE DID IT! Myself, my dad, the designers, and YOU the crocheters. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being part of this epic journey. I witnessed something truly remarkable as this year unfolded. It makes me sad to see this project come to an end. I won’t have you here with me every single day for our daily square, but I’m so grateful this brought us together over our mutual love of crochet. I feel like I know all of you as we crocheted together through it all. There are seriously no words. #uglycry

What the future holds

I will be keeping the 365 Days of Granny Squares page up for a while and may replace a few squares here or there at some point. This one year commitment to a project of this magnitude was satisfactory to achieve. Many have asked me to do another year, but I think one year was sufficient to prove to myself that I could do this. I am happy and have no regrets looking back. I learned invaluable things about our crochet community, about myself, about commitment, about the power of positive thinking, about having a passion to pursue a goal, and about how yarn can tie so many across our globe together. I was happy to be the one to share this experience with all of you who came every day or just stopped by for a few favorite squares. This isn’t the end of what I am capable of doing. I look forward to new challenges in 2017 including some fun monthly projects! The work to do this project took a lot of effort not only on my part but also for my dad. We both look forward to a bit of rest and relaxation before we get back in the studio. There is much more to come from us in the future! So stay tuned!

To my Daddy

First and foremost, I could not have done this project without my supportive family, and of course, Nate! I cannot finish this blog without a huge mention of what role my dad played in this yearlong endeavor. Where do I start when it comes to thanking him? How does one encapsulate the gratitude I feel for someone who was with me at every single moment of every single project? He stood tirelessly by my side and filmed 365 squares (plus our bonus square). There he was, right by my side, ready to go each day until the very end! I don’t think anyone could understand what a colossal task this project was other than my daddy. His exemplary video and editing skills made every square come to life on the screen. He was the one who worked tirelessly through the year, late into the nights making our videos, making edits, taking out the bloopers (yes, one day, we will have a blooper reel), corrected me, helped me, supported me, challenged me, encouraged me, energized me, untangled yarn for me, laughed with me, and by indirect means, learned crochet along side me! He never gave up. He never complained. His dedication and commitment to this project cannot go unnoticed. Thank you, Daddy. Your patience and sense of humor made doing this monumental project so much more fun than I could have ever imagined. I love you so much! SHOUT OUT TO MY AMAZING DADDY!

All these squares

Throughout this project, I demonstrated how to make each granny square in a video tutorial. Participants are then on their own to decide what to make using their squares. Some have participated from the beginning of the year making each square, and some jumped in on occasion to make a square that stood out. The creativity of what we’re sharing has been fabulous! Projects that have been made and shared on our Facebook page have left me speechless! You are all so talented!

Throughout the year, I have collected the squares and have been using them in blanket projects. From the start, I planned to pay it forward and make blankets for people in need. So far, I have managed to make 3 blankets using a variety of the squares. Each blanket has found its way to a very special home or charity and will continue to do so as I finish using all the squares in this project. This was my way of giving back for a year of healthier and happier days.

Read about my first project I made using the Granny Squares from this year so far.

Read about my second project I made using the Granny Squares from this year so far.

Read about my third project I made using the Granny Squares from this year so far.

Goodbye 2016

Now the year has come to an end. It will be strange not having a square to post tomorrow morning, but at the same time I am thrilled over a successful goal achieved. Today is so bittersweet! Not many can say they crocheted a granny square every day for an entire year and got healthier doing it! That’s a pretty great ending to 2016 and an even better way to start out another great year! Together we came so far! Here’s to a year ahead of more epic crochet days! HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! Cheers to 2017 being a wonderful year for all!


Find the list of contributing designers here: (AGAIN, please visit their pages, “Like” their work, and “Follow” them on social media!)

Murray Stewart at

Amelia Beebe AKA champygirl at

Kinga Erdem at

Leonie Morgan’s Ravelry Store

Margret Willson’s Ravelry Store

Eline Alcocer at

Ali Burdon at

Jackie Tyler at

Maz Kwok at

Ali Crafts Designs’ Ravelry Store

Vicki Brown at

Joanne Jones’ Ravelry Store

Megan Mills at


Natasja King from

Red Heart Design Team

Ruth C. Roy at

Yuli Nilssen at Yuli Handmade

Beverly A. Qualheim at Bev’s Country Cottage

Nina Leon at Hookers Don’t Bite

Fiona Kelly at Tangled Blossom Design

Pia Thadani at

Manda Robertson at Raising Robertsons

By Hook

Lois Everett

Laura Avery Home Makers Insanity

Jeni Entwistle at Messy Mama Makes

Sonya Blackstone at Blackstone Designs

Naomi Garcia

Sara Palacios

Yarn In Yarn Out Designs

Wieke van Keulen

DROPS design

Vogue Knitting

Josie Calvert Briggs

Sandra Paul of Cherry Heart

Shelley Husband

Elaine Phillips

Christine Harvey

Adaiha Covington

Lucinda Ganderton

Kara Gunza from Petals to Picots

JLyn Spencer

Corinne Bradd

Lynne Samaan

April Garwood of Banana Moon Studio

Carola Wijma

Claire Hayes

Sandra La Madeleine

Annoo Crochet

Betina Juchem Clemens

Jennifer Ofenstein from Sew Hooked

Patricia Stuart


Sandra Åhlberg

The Snail of Happiness

Patricia Stuart

mille makes

Carol Bryant


Helen Shrimpton

Tamika Joyeux

Amanda Weenk

Shan Sevcik

Jeni Entwistle at Messy Mama Makes

Susan Hinton

Donna Mason-Svara at Smooth Fox

Emily H.

Melissa Beth

Celina Lane

Melinda Hobgood

Sadie Cuming

Carola Wijma

Jennifer Lynn Carter

Claire from Crochet Leaf

Amber Schaaf

Cylinda D. Mathews

Crochet- atelier

Julie A Bolduc

Jennifer Tucker

Shannon Thayer

Oombawka Design

Donna Kay Lacey

Cynthia Boylan At SpinnyThingy.Blogspot.Com

Black Sheep Creations

Kris Kelln

Marta Chrzanowska

Melissa Green

Aurora Suominen from

zelna olivier

Marjan Hoebeke-Pfaff

Marie Segares

Joanne Jones

Buttonnose Crochet

Bonnie Pierce

Jen Tyler

Edith E Smith

Maria Summers

BabyLove Brand

Crochet Tutorial: The Web We Weave Granny Square

Crochet Tutorial: The Web We Weave Granny Square

I created The Web We Weave Granny Square design to add to our 365 Days of Granny Squares project. It uses quite a few chain stitches to create a look of a spider web! You can make this with the traditional black and white colors or you can get crazy with it and use bright colors or make your square bigger and just increase your chains each round to make your web larger! I hope you enjoy making your square!

Shop Red Heart, America's Favorite Yarn

This Spinning Spider Granny Square is a great match for The Web We Weave Granny Square! Make them both into a big blanket for a spooky afghan!

A couple disclaimers before you start: Be sure to check your tension and use the correct size hook for your square. I demonstrate with an H-5.00mm crochet hook in the video tutorial, but you can make yours bigger or smaller by using a bigger or smaller hook. Also, if yours turns out wonky when you are finished, you may need to block this square to make it nice and flat.


Watch this video tutorial to learn how to make this granny square:

My dad will continue to be the videographer, editor, and photographer for our videos when I move away.
Support YARNutopia today so we can continue to bring you clear, quality crochet tutorials even after I move into my new home!
There will be an added expense of more travel and hopefully this won’t deter our ability to provide consistent videos on a weekly basis.

Donate Button with Credit Cards

**You can always contact me via Facebook if you have any problems with the pattern. I am happy to help if you have any questions along the way.

***These patterns are copyright YARNutopia © so PLEASE DO NOT COPY, SHARE, ADJUST OR RESELL MY PATTERN. I wrote and tested this pattern myself, from beginning to end. It took a lot of time and work, and I would really like to have it remain “my pattern.”

***You can sell anything you make from my patterns, please just link back to my website Thank you!

Teacher: Nadia Fuad
Video and Editing: Fuad Azmat (My Daddy)
Share your work on Facebook!
Add me on Snapchat: YARNutopia
Follow me on Instagram
Visit My Ravelry Store and add this to your Favorites!
Follow me on Twitter: @YARNutopia
Enjoy this video and subscribe to my channel on YouTube for more tutorials on how to crochet!
Leave a comment, and share with your friends!


Designed by Nadia Fuad
You *may* sell items made from my pattern, but please reference my website
Please do not copy, sell, and/or post this pattern and claim it as your own.

**Get the full kit of supplies here!!**

Red Heart Super Saver Yarn in White
Red Heart Super Saver Yarn in Black
H-5.00mm Crochet Hook
Yarn Needle

Shop Red Heart, America's Favorite Yarn

-You can use a smaller or larger hook to make this square depending on your tension. I wouldn’t use anything larger than an I-5.5mm Crochet Hook though.
-The finished square measures 6.5 inches
-This square is worked from the center outward

Special stitches:
Ch(s): chain(s)
YO: Yarn Over
St(s): Stitch(es)
Sl st: slip stitch
SK: Skip
SC: Single Crochet
HDC: Half-Double Crochet
DC: Double Crochet
FPDC: Front Post Double Crochet

Shop Red Heart, America's Favorite Yarn


If you have any confusion or difficulty with reading this pattern, please watch the video tutorial to have visual instructions.

Customize Your Halloween! Shop Halloween Gifts on Zazzle!

With Black:
Ch 4, sl st to beginning to form a ring

Rnd 1: Ch 4 (counts as DC + Ch 1 Sp), [DC, Ch 1] 7 times into ring. Sl st to 3rd ch of beg. ch 4. (8ch sps, 8 DC)

Rnd 2: Sl st into Ch sp, ch up 3, [2dc, ch 2, 3 dc] in same sp, *3dc in next ch sp, [3dc, ch 2, 3dc] in next ch sp, repeat from * around. Sl st to beg. ch up 3.

Rnd 3-5: Ch up 3, DC in each st around putting [2DC, ch 2, 2 DC] in corners


With white, Attach yarn in center ring (see video tutorial)

Rnd 1: Ch up 5 (counts as DC + Ch 2 sp), [DC, ch 2] 7 times in center ring, sl st to 3rd ch of beg. ch 5. If this gets confusing, see the video tutorial, it explains it a lot better.

Rnd 2: Ch 1, FPDC around ch up 3, [ch 3, FPDC around next st] 7 times, ch 3, sl st around FPDC

Rnd 3: Ch 1, FPDC around FPDC, [ch 4, FPDC around next st] 7 times, ch 4, sl st around FPDC

Rnd 4: Ch 1, FPDC around FPDC, [ch 5, FPDC around next st] 7 times, ch 5, sl st around FPDC

Rnd 5: Ch 1, FPDC around FPDC, [ch 6, FPDC around next st] 7 times, ch 6, sl st around FPDC

Rnd 6: Ch 1, FPDC around FPDC, [ch 7, FPDC around next st] 7 times, ch 7, sl st around FPDC

Rnd 7: Ch 1, FPDC around FPDC, [ch 8, FPDC around next st] 7 times, ch 8, sl st around FPDC

Rnd 8: Sl st into ch 8 sp, Sc in center st on background square and in next sts until the corner working in the ch sp and in each st (see video tutorial for visual instructions), *In corner, work in the FPDC st and in the corner ch 2 sp and put [sc, ch 2, sc], then work in the next ch 8 sp and in the next 10 sts and put a sc in each st, then sc in the fpdc and in the st behind it on the background square, then work in the next ch 8 sp and in the rest of the sts on the side until you get to the corner and then repeat from * around.

Fasten off, Weave in ends.


“O, what a tangled web we weave…” ~Walter Scott



Like this square? Try the Spinning Spider Granny Square!!


Looking for a great project to make using this square? Make the Halloween Table Runner today!
Follow this link to see the pattern!


This post contains affiliate links, which means if you click on the link and buy from the linked websites, I will receive a small percentage of the value of your order. The amount you pay is not changed.

The yarn provided for this pattern is courtesy of Red Heart Yarns


Halloween Express

Spooky Savings at Halloween Express

Crochet Tutorial: In the Garden Granny Square

Crochet Tutorial: In the Garden Granny Square

I created this In the Garden Granny Square design to add to our 365 Days of Granny Squares project. It uses variety of crochet stitches to create an interesting floral design! I hope you enjoy making your square!

A couple disclaimers before you start: Be sure to check your tension and use the correct size hook for your square. I demonstrate with an H-5.00mm crochet hook in the video tutorial, but you can make yours bigger or smaller by using a bigger or smaller hook. Also, if yours turns out wonky when you are finished, you may need to block this square to make it nice and flat.


Shop Red Heart, America's Favorite Yarn

Follow along with this video tutorial to learn how to make this granny square:

My dad will continue to be the videographer, editor, and photographer for our videos when I move away.
Support YARNutopia today so we can continue to bring you clear, quality crochet tutorials even after I move into my new home!
There will be an added expense of more travel and hopefully this won’t deter our ability to provide consistent videos on a weekly basis.

Donate Button with Credit Cards


**You can always contact me via Facebook if you have any problems with the pattern. I am happy to help if you have any questions along the way.

***These patterns are copyright YARNutopia © so PLEASE DO NOT COPY, SHARE, ADJUST OR RESELL MY PATTERN. I wrote and tested this pattern myself, from beginning to end. It took a lot of time and work, and I would really like to have it remain “my pattern.”

***You can sell anything you make from my patterns, please just link back to my website Thank you!

Teacher: Nadia Fuad
Video and Editing: Fuad Azmat (My Daddy)
Share your work on Facebook!
Add me on Snapchat: YARNutopia
Follow me on Instagram
Visit My Ravelry Store and add this to your Favorites!
Follow me on Twitter: @YARNutopia
Enjoy this video and subscribe to my channel on YouTube for more tutorials on how to crochet!
Leave a comment, and share with your friends!


Designed by Nadia Fuad
You *may* sell items made from my pattern, but please reference my website
Please do not copy, sell, and/or post this pattern and claim it as your own.

**Get the full kit of supplies here!!**

Red Heart Super Saver Yarn in Bright Yellow
Red Heart Super Saver in Light Pink
Red Heart Super Saver in Frosty Green
Red Heart Super Saver in Warm Brown
Red Heart Super Saver in Buff
Red Heart Super Saver in Aran
H-5.00mm Crochet Hook
Yarn Needle

Shop Red Heart, America's Favorite Yarn

-You can use a smaller or larger hook to make this square depending on your tension. I wouldn’t use anything larger than an I-5.5mm Crochet Hook though.
-The finished square measures 6.5 inches.
-This square is worked from the center outward

Special stitches:
Ch(s): chain(s)
YO: Yarn Over
St(s): Stitch(es)
Sl st: slip stitch
SK: Skip
SC: Single Crochet
HDC: Half-Double Crochet
DC: Double Crochet
TR: Treble Crochet (YO twice)
DTR: Double Treble Crochet (YO Three Times)
FPDTR: Front Post Double Treble


If you have any confusion or difficulty with reading this pattern, please watch the video tutorial to have visual instructions.

Ch 4, sl st to 1st ch to form a ring.

Rnd 1: Ch up 1, 12 sc in ring. sl st to 1st sc.

Rnd 2: In any st: Ch 1, sc in same st, *ch 2, sc in next st, ch 2, sk 1 st, sc in next st, repeat from * around. sl st to 1st sc.

Rnd 3: In a corner ch 2 sp (see video tutorial for specific location): *Ch 3, 3DC in same sp, ch 3, sl st in same sp, 2sc in next ch 2 sp, sl into next ch sp, repeat from * around, sl st to beg. ch of beg. ch up 3.

Rnd 4: Sl st around the beg. ch up 3 from prev. round: Ch 1, 3 sc around beg. ch 3. *HDC in next 3 sts, 3sc around next ch 3, ch 2, 3 sc around next ch up 3, repeat from * around, sl st to 1st sc. Fasten off.

Rnd 5: In any 1st sc of 2sc grouping from round 3: *Ch 4, sl st in next sc, ch 5, sl st in next sc, repeat from * around, sl st to 1st ch of beg. ch 4.

Rnd 6: In ch 4 sp on side: Ch 1, *[SC, HDC, DC, Picot, DC, HDC, SC] in ch 4 sp, [3sc, ch 2, sc] in ch 5 sp, repeat from * around. sl st to 1st sc of this round. Fasten off.

Rnd 7: In corner ch 2 sp: Ch 4, [TR, ch 2, 2 TR] in same corner sp, *Sk 1 st, TR in next, Ch 1, SC in picot, Ch 1, SK next 4 sts, TR in next, SK 1 st, [2TR, ch 2, 2 TR] in corner, repeat from * around, sl st to beg. ch up 4.

Rnd 8: In any corner: Ch 1, *sc in corner, FPDTR around middle DC of petal from round 3, ch 2, FPDTR around middle DC of petal again, SC in same corner on round 7, sc in next 3 sts, sc in ch 1 sp, DTR in skipped st from round 1, sc in ch 1 sp and in next 3 sts, repeat from * around. Sl st to beg. sc.

Rnd 9: In any corner: Ch 3 (counts as DC) [DC, ch 2, 2 DC] in same corner sp, *DC in each st on side, [2DC, ch 2, 2DC] in corner, repeat from * around, sl st to beg. ch up 3. Fasten off. Weave in all ends.


Like this Granny Square? Try Making the Hello, Sunshine Granny Square!

Shop Red Heart, America's Favorite Yarn


This post contains affiliate links, which I may be compensated for when you make a purchase. That means if you click on any link and buy from the linked websites, I will receive a small percentage of the value of your order. The amount you pay is not changed. Thank you for all your support in clicking the links in my blog!! You all are so amazing!! ~Nadia

The yarn provided for this pattern is courtesy of Red Heart Yarns


Limited Edition Yarn Bowl

FREE 7 Day Craftsy Unlimited Trial at

Crochet Tutorial: In Full Bloom Granny Square

Crochet Tutorial: In Full Bloom Granny Square

I created this In Full Bloom Granny Square design to add to our 365 Days of Granny Squares project. It uses variety of crochet stitches including crocodile stitches to create an interesting floral design! I hope you enjoy making your square!

A couple disclaimers before you start: Be sure to check your tension and use the correct size hook for your square. I demonstrate with an H-5.00mm crochet hook in the video tutorial, but you can make yours bigger or smaller by using a bigger or smaller hook. Also, if yours turns out wonky when you are finished, you may need to block this square to make it nice and flat.


Follow along with this video tutorial to learn how to make this square:

My dad will continue to be the videographer, editor, and photographer for our videos when I move away.
Support YARNutopia today so we can continue to bring you clear, quality crochet tutorials even after I move into my new home!
There will be an added expense of more travel and hopefully this won’t deter our ability to provide consistent videos on a weekly basis.

Donate Button with Credit Cards


**You can always contact me via Facebook if you have any problems with the pattern. I am happy to help if you have any questions along the way.

***These patterns are copyright YARNutopia © so PLEASE DO NOT COPY, SHARE, ADJUST OR RESELL MY PATTERN. I wrote and tested this pattern myself, from beginning to end. It took a lot of time and work, and I would really like to have it remain “my pattern.”

***You can sell anything you make from my patterns, please just link back to my website Thank you!

Teacher: Nadia Fuad
Video and Editing: Fuad Azmat (My Daddy)
Share your work on Facebook!
Add me on Snapchat: YARNutopia
Follow me on Instagram
Visit My Ravelry Store and add this to your Favorites!
Follow me on Twitter: @YARNutopia
Enjoy this video and subscribe to my channel on YouTube for more tutorials on how to crochet!
Leave a comment, and share with your friends!



Designed by Nadia Fuad
You *may* sell items made from my pattern, but please reference my website
Please do not copy, sell, and/or post this pattern and claim it as your own.

Red Heart Super Saver Yarn in as many colors as you want.
H-5.00mm Crochet Hook
Yarn Needle

-You can use a smaller or larger hook to make this square depending on your tension. I wouldn’t use anything larger than an I-5.5mm Crochet Hook though.
-The finished square measures 6.5 inches.
-This square is worked from the center outward

Special stitches:
Ch(s): chain(s)
YO: Yarn Over
St(s): Stitch(es)
Sl st: slip stitch
SK: Skip
SC: Single Crochet
HDC: Half-Double Crochet
DC: Double Crochet
TR: Treble Crochet (YO twice)
FPDC: Front Post Double Crochet
Crocodile Stitch: 5 FPDC up the post, ch 2, 5 FPDC down the next post


If you have any confusion or difficulty with reading this pattern, please watch the video tutorial to have visual instructions.


Rnd 1: Ch 5, sl st to 5th ch from hook, [ch 4, sl st in same ch] 3 times. (4 ch sps)

Rnd 2: In any ch sp: Ch 1, sc 6 times in each ch sp. sl st to 1st sc. (24 sc)

Rnd 3: in any 2nd sc from 6sc grouping: ch 1, sc in same st, *ch 2, sk 2 sts, sc in next, repeat from * around, sl st to 1st sc. (8 ch 2 sps)

Rnd 4: In ch sp on the side (see video tutorial for specific location): *[Ch 1, 3DC, sl st, 3DC, sl st, 3DC, sl st] in ch sp, sl st in next ch sp, SC in same ch sp, sl st into next ch sp, repeat from * around sl st to beg ch sp and sl st to 1st sc.


Rnd 5: In any sc: Ch 7 (counts as DC + Ch 4 sp), *SC in middle petal, ch 4, DC in next sc, ch 4, repeat from * around, sl st to 3rd ch of beg. ch 7. (8ch 4 sps)

Rnd 6: In any ch 4 sp: Ch up 3, 5 DC in same sp, *6 DC in next sp, ch 3, 6 DC in next sp, Repeat from * around, ending with ch 3, sl st to beg ch 3. Fasten off.

**Rnd 7 starts making the crocodile stitches. See video tutorial for visual instructions for this next part.**

Rnd 7: Starting at the bottom of a DC before a ch 3 sp: *Crocodile Stitch, ch 1, sk 3 sts, Crocodile Stitch, ch 1, sk 3 sts, Crocodile Stitch, SC in DC from Round 5, repeat from * around, sl st to beg. ch up 3.

Rnd 8: Working on sts from Round 6: DC in each st putting [2DC, ch 2, 2DC] in corners

Rnd 9: In any corner: Ch 1, *[3sc, ch 2, 3sc] in corner, sc in next st, sc in next st pinning down crocodile st from round 7, sc in next 5 sts, sc in next pinning down crocodile st, sc in next 6 sts, sc in next pinning down crocodile st, sc in next st, repeat from * around, sl st to beg. sc.

Fasten off. Weave in all ends.



This post contains affiliate links, which I may be compensated for when you make a purchase. That means if you click on any link and buy from the linked websites, I will receive a small percentage of the value of your order. The amount you pay is not changed. Thank you for all your support in clicking the links in my blog!! You all are so amazing!! ~Nadia

The yarn provided for this pattern is courtesy of Red Heart Yarns


Limited Edition Yarn Bowl

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Crochet Tutorial: Wrinkled Rose Granny Square

Crochet Tutorial: Wrinkled Rose Granny Square

I created this Wrinkled Rose Granny Square design to add to our 365 Days of Granny Squares project. It uses variety of crochet stitches to create an interesting 3-D design! I hope you enjoy making your square!

A couple disclaimers before you start: Be sure to check your tension and use the correct size hook for your square. I demonstrate with an H-5.00mm crochet hook in the video tutorial, but you can make yours bigger or smaller by using a bigger or smaller hook. Also, if yours turns out wonky when you are finished, you may need to block this square to make it nice and flat.


Shop Red Heart, America's Favorite Yarn


Follow along with this video tutorial to learn how to make this square:

My dad will continue to be the videographer, editor, and photographer for our videos when I move away.
Support YARNutopia today so we can continue to bring you clear, quality crochet tutorials even after I move into my new home!
There will be an added expense of more travel and hopefully this won’t deter our ability to provide consistent videos on a weekly basis.

Donate Button with Credit Cards


**You can always contact me via Facebook if you have any problems with the pattern. I am happy to help if you have any questions along the way.

***These patterns are copyright YARNutopia © so PLEASE DO NOT COPY, SHARE, ADJUST OR RESELL MY PATTERN. I wrote and tested this pattern myself, from beginning to end. It took a lot of time and work, and I would really like to have it remain “my pattern.”

***You can sell anything you make from my patterns, please just link back to my website Thank you!

Teacher: Nadia Fuad
Video and Editing: Fuad Azmat (My Daddy)
Share your work on Facebook!
Add me on Snapchat: YARNutopia
Follow me on Instagram
Visit My Ravelry Store and add this to your Favorites!
Follow me on Twitter: @YARNutopia
Enjoy this video and subscribe to my channel on YouTube for more tutorials on how to crochet!
Leave a comment, and share with your friends!


Designed by Nadia Fuad
You *may* sell items made from my pattern, but please reference my website
Please do not copy, sell, and/or post this pattern and claim it as your own.


**Get the full kit of supplies here!!**

Red Heart Super Saver Yarn in Frosty Green
Red Heart Super Saver Yarn in Bright Yellow
Red Heart Super Saver Yarn in Aran
Red Heart Super Saver Yarn in Pretty ‘n Pink
H-5.00mm Crochet Hook
Yarn Needle

Shop Red Heart, America's Favorite Yarn

-You can use a smaller or larger hook to make this square depending on your tension. I wouldn’t use anything larger than an I-5.5mm Crochet Hook though.
-The finished square measures 6.5 inches.
-This square is worked from the center outward

Special stitches:
Ch(s): chain(s)
YO: Yarn Over
St(s): Stitch(es)
Sl st: slip stitch
SK: Skip
SC: Single Crochet
HDC: Half-Double Crochet
DC: Double Crochet
TR: Treble Crochet (YO twice)
FPSC: Front Post Single Crochet
X-Stitch: Sk 1 st, DC in next st, Ch 2, DC in sk’d st


If you have any confusion or difficulty with reading this pattern, please watch the video tutorial to have visual instructions.

Ch 4, sl st to 1st ch to form a ring.

Rnd 1: Ch up 3 (counts as DC), TR in ring, DC in ring, Ch 2, [DC, TR, DC, Ch 2] 3 times, sl st to beg.

Rnd 2: In any ch 2 sp: Ch 1, sc in same sp, *3DC in next st, FPSC around TR, 3DC in next st, [SC, CH 2, SC] in corner, repeat from * around ending with sc, ch 2 in beg. corner, sl st to 1st sc.

Rnd 3: In any FPSC:  Ch 3 (counts as DC), DC in same st, *2TC in each of the next 3 sts, TC in next st, SK ch sp, TC in net st, TC in previous st again (X-made), TC in same st after ch sp, (see video tutorial for visual instructions), 2 TC in each of the next 3 sts, [2DC, CH 2, 2DC] in FPSC, repeat from * around ending with 2 DC, ch 2, sl st to beg. Fasten off.

Work behind work for Round 4.

Rnd 4: In any Skipped ch 2 sp from Round 2: Ch 3 (counts as DC), [DC ch 2, 2 DC] in same sp, *Ch 5, [2DC, ch 2, 2 DC] in next corner sp, repeat from * around, sl st to beg.

Rnd 5: In Corner, Ch 3 (counts as DC), Make an X-Stitch tacking down the Treble-X from the Petal on the Flower (see video tutorial for visual instructions), DC in same ch sp from round 4’s corner, DC in next 2 sts, *6 DC in ch sp, DC in corner, X-Stitch tacking down the Treble-X from the petal on the flower, DC in same corner, DC in next 2 sts, repeat from * around, sl st to beg.

Rnd 6: Ch 3, FPDC on next st, [DC, ch 2, DC] in corner, FPDC around next st, DC in 6 st, TR in ch 2 sp of flower petals (round 3), working between the DC’s from prev. round, DC in next 6 sts, FPDC on next st, Repeat from * around, sl st to ch up 3. (see video tutorial for visual instructions)

Rnd 7: DC in each st around putting [DC, ch 2, DC] in corners. Sl st to beginning, Fasten off.



This post contains affiliate links, which I may be compensated for when you make a purchase. That means if you click on any link and buy from the linked websites, I will receive a small percentage of the value of your order. The amount you pay is not changed. Thank you for all your support in clicking the links in my blog!! You all are so amazing!! ~Nadia

The yarn provided for this pattern is courtesy of Red Heart Yarns

Shop Red Heart, America's Favorite Yarn


Funny Craft Mugs
Limited Edition Yarn Bowl

Crochet Tutorial: Charming Chain Granny Square

Crochet Tutorial: Charming Chain Granny Square

I created this Charming Chain Granny Square design to add to our 365 Days of Granny Squares project. It uses variety of crochet stitches to create an interesting design using a lot of chains! I hope you enjoy making your square!

A couple disclaimers before you start: Be sure to check your tension and use the correct size hook for your square. I demonstrate with an H-5.00mm crochet hook in the video tutorial, but you can make yours bigger or smaller by using a bigger or smaller hook. Also, if yours turns out wonky when you are finished, you may need to block this square to make it nice and flat.



Watch this video tutorial to learn how to make this granny square:

My dad will continue to be the videographer, editor, and photographer for our videos when I move away.
Support YARNutopia today so we can continue to bring you clear, quality crochet tutorials even after I move into my new home!
There will be an added expense of more travel and hopefully this won’t deter our ability to provide consistent videos on a weekly basis.

Donate Button with Credit Cards


**You can always contact me via Facebook if you have any problems with the pattern. I am happy to help if you have any questions along the way.

***These patterns are copyright YARNutopia © so PLEASE DO NOT COPY, SHARE, ADJUST OR RESELL MY PATTERN. I wrote and tested this pattern myself, from beginning to end. It took a lot of time and work, and I would really like to have it remain “my pattern.”

***You can sell anything you make from my patterns, please just link back to my website Thank you!

Teacher: Nadia Fuad
Video and Editing: Fuad Azmat (My Daddy)
Share your work on Facebook!
Add me on Snapchat: YARNutopia
Follow me on Instagram
Visit My Ravelry Store and add this to your Favorites!
Follow me on Twitter: @YARNutopia
Enjoy this video and subscribe to my channel on YouTube for more tutorials on how to crochet!
Leave a comment, and share with your friends!


Designed by Nadia Fuad
You *may* sell items made from my pattern, but please reference my website
Please do not copy, sell, and/or post this pattern and claim it as your own.

Red Heart Super Saver Yarn in as many colors as you want.
H-5.00mm Crochet Hook
Yarn Needle

-You can use a smaller or larger hook to make this square depending on your tension. I wouldn’t use anything larger than an I-5.5mm Crochet Hook though.
-The finished square measures 6 inches.
-This square is worked from the center outward

Special stitches:
Ch(s): chain(s)
YO: Yarn Over
St(s): Stitch(es)
Sl st: slip stitch
SK: Skip
SC: Single Crochet
HDC: Half-Double Crochet
DC: Double Crochet
TR: Treble Crochet (YO twice)
Shell: 5 DC in same sp


If you have any confusion or difficulty with reading this pattern, please watch the video tutorial to have visual instructions.

Rnd 1:Ch 4, sl st to 1st ch to form a ring, ch 1, (sc, ch 2) 4 times in ring, sl st to beginning sc and sl st into ch 2 sp.

Rnd 2: Ch up 1, [sc, ch 2, sc] in same sp, * ch 2, [sc, ch 2, sc] in next ch sp, repeat from * around, sl st to 1st sc. Sl st into ch sp.

Rnd 3: Ch 1, turn, sc in same sp, * ch 3, [sc, ch 2, sc] in corner, repeat from * around, sl st to beg. sc. Turn.

Color Change.

Rnd 4: In corner, Ch 1, *[SC, ch 2, SC] in corner, Ch 2, DC in SC from Rnd 1, Ch 2, Repeat from * around, sl st to beg. sc.

Color Change

Rnd 5: In Corner, Ch 1, *[SC, ch 2, SC] in corner, Ch 7, Repeat from * around, sl st to beg sc.

Rnd 6: Sl st into corner, Turn, SC in same corner, * Ch 9 ,[SC, ch 2, SC] in corner, repeat from * ending with SC, ch 2 in corner, sl st to beg sc. turn.

Rnd 7: Sl st into corner, Ch 1, * [SC, Ch 2, SC] in corner, ch 11, repeat from * around, sl st to 1st sc.

Change Color

Rnd 8: In corner, Ch 1, *[SC, ch 2, SC] in corner, ch 6, DC in DC from rnd 4, Ch 6, repeat from * around, sl st to beg. sc.

Rnd 9: In corner, Ch 5 (counts as DC + Ch 2 sp), DC in same sp, *Sk sc, sc in 1st ch, sk 1 ch, shell in next ch, sk 1 ch, sc in next ch, sk 1 ch, shell in DC, sk 1 ch, sc in next ch, sk 1 ch, shell in next ch, sk 1 ch, sc in last ch, sk sc, [DC, ch 2, DC] in corner, repeat from * around, sl st to 3rd ch of beg. ch 5.

Rnd 10: In corner, ch 5, DC in same sp, *[ ch 2, HDC in sc, ch 2, sc in middle dc of shell] 3 times, ch 2, HDC in sc, ch 2, [DC, ch 2, DC] in corner, repeat from * around, sl st to 3rd ch of beg. ch 5.

Rnd 11: In corner, ch 3, [DC, ch 2, 2 DC] in same sp, 2 DC in each ch sp, [2DC, ch 2, 2DC] in corners, sl st to beg.


This post contains affiliate links, which I may be compensated for when you make a purchase. That means if you click on any link and buy from the linked websites, I will receive a small percentage of the value of your order. The amount you pay is not changed. Thank you for all your support in clicking the links in my blog!! You all are so amazing!! ~Nadia

The yarn provided for this pattern is courtesy of Red Heart Yarns


Funny Craft Mugs

Crochet Tutorial: Flower Bunch Granny Square

I created this Flower Bunch Granny Square design to add to our 365 Days of Granny Squares project. It uses variety of crochet stitches to create a garden-like look with the flowers in the round! I hope you enjoy making your square!

A couple disclaimers before you start: Be sure to check your tension and use the correct size hook for your square. I demonstrate with an H-5.00mm crochet hook in the video tutorial, but you can make yours bigger or smaller by using a bigger or smaller hook. Also, if yours turns out wonky when you are finished, you may need to block this square to make it nice and flat.

Follow along with this video tutorial to learn how to make this granny square:

**You can always contact me via Facebook if you have any problems with the pattern. I am happy to help if you have any questions along the way.

***These patterns are copyright YARNutopia © so PLEASE DO NOT COPY, SHARE, ADJUST OR RESELL MY PATTERN. I wrote and tested this pattern myself, from beginning to end. It took a lot of time and work, and I would really like to have it remain “my pattern.”

***You can sell anything you make from my patterns, please just link back to my website Thank you!

Teacher: Nadia Fuad
Video and Editing: Fuad Azmat (My Daddy)
Share your work on Facebook!
Add me on Snapchat: YARNutopia
Follow me on Instagram
Visit My Ravelry Store and add this to your Favorites!
Follow me on Twitter: @YARNutopia
Enjoy this video and subscribe to my channel on YouTube for more tutorials on how to crochet!
Leave a comment, and share with your friends!


Designed by Nadia Fuad
You *may* sell items made from my pattern, but please reference my website
Please do not copy, sell, and/or post this pattern and claim it as your own.

-Red Heart Super Saver Yarn in as many colors as you want.
-H-5.00mm Crochet Hook
-Yarn Needle

-You can use a smaller or larger hook to make this square depending on your tension. I wouldn’t use anything larger than an I-5.5mm Crochet Hook though.
-The finished square measures 6 inches.
-This square is worked from the center outward

Special stitches:
Ch(s): chain(s)
YO: Yarn Over
St(s): Stitch(es)
Sl st: slip stitch
SK: Skip
SC: Single Crochet
HDC: Half-Double Crochet
DC: Double Crochet
TR: Treble Crochet (YO twice)
Beg. Popcorn: ch up 3, 4 DC in same st, remove hook from loop, insert hook in 1st st, put loop back on hook and pull through.
Popcorn: 5 DC in same st, remove hook from loop, insert hook in 1st st, put loop back on hook and pull through.
Cluster: YO, insert hook, YO pull through, YO pull through 2, YO, insert hook, YO pull through, YO pull through 2, YO, insert hook, YO pull through, YO pull through 2, YO pull through all 4 loops on hook. Cluster made.


If you have any confusion or difficulty with reading this pattern, please watch the video tutorial to have visual instructions.

Rnd 1: Grab 12 strands of yarn that are about 8 inches, then make a ring with them (see video tutorial),  and crochet 36 sc in the ring, sl st to beg. sc. (36 sc)

Rnd 2: In any ch st, SC in 4 sts, *ch 5, 10 sc in 2nd ch from hook, sl st to 1st sc, ch 1, 3sc in same st, (sl st to next st, 3 sc in next st) 4 times. sl st to beg petal, sc down the 3 chs of the stem, sc in next 4 sts from rnd 1, repeat from * around ending with sc in last 4 sts, sl st to beginning sc. Fasten off. (You can sew the centers of your flowers closed, see video tutorial for specifications)

Rnd 3: Start in a st before a stem, (See video tutorial for placement), Ch 6 (counts as dc + ch 3), sk over flower stem, DC in next 8 sts, *ch 3, DC in next 8 sts, working behind flowers, repeat from * around, ending with DC in last 7 sts, sl st to 3rd ch of beg. ch 6.

Rnd 4: In corner, Ch 1, *[3 sc, ch 2, 3 sc] in corner, sc in next 4 sts, ch 5, 10 sc in 2nd ch from hook, sl st to 1st sc, ch 1, 3sc in same st, (sl st to next st, 3 sc in next st) 4 times. sl st to beg petal, sc down the 3 chs of the stem, sc in next 4 sts, repeat from * around. sl st to beg. sc.

Rnd 5: In any corner, ch 3, [DC, ch 2, 2 DC] in same corner, *[sk st, DC in next, DC in sk’d st (working in front of the dc you made)] 3 times, dc in next st before stem/flower, DC in st after stem/flower, [sk st, dc in next, dc in sk’d st (working behind the dc you made)] 3 times, [2 DC, ch 2, 2 DC] in corner, repeat from * around

Rnd 6: In any corner, ch 3, [DC, ch 2, 2 DC] in same corner, *[sk st, dc in next, dc in sk’d st] repeat until you get to next corner, [2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc] in next corner, repeat from * around. sl st to beg. ch up 3.

Fasten off, Weave in ends.

Make French knots in the center of your flowers and tack them down. See video tutorial for visual instructions.


Crochet Tutorial: Cornershop Granny Square

I created this Cornershop Granny Square design to add to our 365 Days of Granny Squares project. It uses variety of crochet stitches to create a look with popping corners! I hope you enjoy making your square!

A couple disclaimers before you start: Be sure to check your tension and use the correct size hook for your square. I demonstrate with an H-5.00mm crochet hook in the video tutorial, but you can make yours bigger or smaller by using a bigger or smaller hook. Also, if yours turns out wonky when you are finished, you may need to block this square to make it nice and flat


Follow along with this video tutorial to learn how to make this square:

**You can always contact me via Facebook if you have any problems with the pattern. I am happy to help if you have any questions along the way.

***These patterns are copyright YARNutopia © so PLEASE DO NOT COPY, SHARE, ADJUST OR RESELL MY PATTERN. I wrote and tested this pattern myself, from beginning to end. It took a lot of time and work, and I would really like to have it remain “my pattern.”

***You can sell anything you make from my patterns, please just link back to my website Thank you!

Teacher: Nadia Fuad
Video and Editing: Fuad Azmat (My Daddy)
Share your work on Facebook!
Add me on Snapchat: YARNutopia
Follow me on Instagram
Visit My Ravelry Store and add this to your Favorites!
Follow me on Twitter: @YARNutopia
Enjoy this video and subscribe to my channel on YouTube for more tutorials on how to crochet!
Leave a comment, and share with your friends!


Designed by Nadia Fuad
You *may* sell items made from my pattern, but please reference my website
Please do not copy, sell, and/or post this pattern and claim it as your own.

-Red Heart Super Saver Yarn in as many colors as you want.
-H-5.00mm Crochet Hook
-Yarn Needle

-You can use a smaller or larger hook to make this square depending on your tension. I wouldn’t use anything larger than an I-5.5mm Crochet Hook though.
-The finished square measures 6 inches.
-This square is worked from the center outward

Special stitches:
Ch(s): chain(s)
YO: Yarn Over
St(s): Stitch(es)
Sl st: slip stitch
SK: Skip
SC: Single Crochet
HDC: Half-Double Crochet
DC: Double Crochet
TR: Treble Crochet (YO twice)
Beg. Popcorn: ch up 3, 4 DC in same st, remove hook from loop, insert hook in 1st st, put loop back on hook and pull through.
Popcorn: 5 DC in same st, remove hook from loop, insert hook in 1st st, put loop back on hook and pull through.
Cluster: YO, insert hook, YO pull through, YO pull through 2, YO, insert hook, YO pull through, YO pull through 2, YO, insert hook, YO pull through, YO pull through 2, YO pull through all 4 loops on hook. Cluster made.


If you have any confusion or difficulty with reading this pattern, please watch the video tutorial to have visual instructions.

Ch 8, sl st to beginning to form a ring

Rnd 1: Ch 4 (counts as DC + Ch 1 sp), [Popcorn, ch 1, popcorn, ch 1, dc, ch 1] 4 times in ring. ending with a popcorn. sl st to 3rd ch of ch up 3. (See video tutorial for visual instructions)

Rnd 2: In any ch 1 sp between popcorn sts, ch 5 (counts as DC + ch 2 sps), DC in same sp, *ch 2, FPDC around DC from rnd 1, ch 2, [DC, ch 2, DC] in ch 1 sp between popcorns, repeat from * around, sl st to 3rd ch of beg. ch 5.

Rnd 3: In corner, Ch up 4, *[Cluster, ch 1] 2 times in next sp, [Cluster, ch 1] 2 times in next sp, [DC, ch 2, DC] in corner, repeat from * around, sl st to 3rd ch of beg ch 4.

Rnd 4: In corner, ch up 4, *Popcorn in ch 1 sp, ch 1, DC in next st, DC in ch 1 sp, DC in cluster, DC in ch 1 sp, DC in cluster, DC in ch 1 sp, DC in cluster, Ch 1, Popcorn in next ch 1 sp, Ch 1, [DC, ch 2, DC] in next corner, Ch 1, repeat from * around, sl st to 3rd ch of beg. ch 4.

Rnd 5: In any corner, ch up 3, [1DC, ch 2, 2 DC] in same corner, *2DC in next ch sp before popcorn, sk popcorn st, DC in next 7 sts, Sk popcorn st, 2 DC in ch 1 sp, [2DC, ch 2, 2 DC] in corner, repeat from * around. Sl st to beg. ch up 3.


Fasten off, Weave in ends.


Island in the Sea Blanket

As we continue our journey through the 365 Days of Granny Squares, we have accumulated 210 squares as of today! If you are like me, your storage containers are busting full and are in need of projects to be made! I began this Island in the Sea Blanket as my second project in my series of blankets that I plan to make using these granny squares.

I named this piece because of the unique square from day 75. I went on to finishing the square as per the written pattern by Aurora. It turned out larger than any of the squares in our collection. I had to find a use and decided this was the perfect way to showcase this beautiful granny! I surrounded it with double crochet rows of various shades of cool tones to create an island oasis in a sea of blue.

This blanket utilizes 5 other large squares that we have made this year as well as 14 of our smaller squares. I have listed each square I used in this project below with links to their video tutorials.

This is just my idea to use these squares in a bigger project, but you can get as creative as you want to make a blanket or other projects where these can come in handy!

As we embarked on this project, I have witnessed an incredible amount of creativity that has come from others participating in these daily squares. I’m so happy to see everyone Hashtagging #365DaysofGrannySquares and #YARNutopia. I am watching everyone’s posts and progress! *Double Tap*

The purpose of this project was to teach a variety of stitches and expand our crochet knowledge in granny squares that exist. I have seen an array of beautiful blankets, pillow covers, jackets, and many other pieces of art springing forth from this creativity from everyone participating. Each square is a small piece of art that was meant for a bigger purpose.

This is the original layout of my blanket:
Here is a closeup to show that I made a double crochet border around each square and then sewed them together:
Here I am working on the blanket, finishing up the sewing!

Here is my finished blanket draped over the sofa:13553281_1153400918055498_521965263_n
Step By Step:
-I crocheted a double crochet border around each granny square (I would recommend 1 round of a border for each square, but if it doesn’t line up, you can add 2 rounds on the smaller squares to make them the right size)
-Then, I sewed the large squares together in a row
-I started crocheting my rows of blue using double crochet. I worked in the Back Loops Only to make a ribbed look (that’s optional) Then I made 5 rows of each color. (You can change color as often as you want)
-Once I had 5 sections done, I sewed my giant square to the center of my work.
-I started crocheting on the right side of the large square, making rows and stopping once I hit that square, then turned my work and continued on my way to make the rows until that side lined up with the large square. Then I fastened that side off.
-I attached my yarn to the left side and did the same thing, working rows of double crochet until that was the same height as the center square. Once both sides were surrounding the square, I sewed up the left and right side of the square to the double crochet rows.
-Once that was all done, I continued to crochet along just like I was on the opposite end of the blanket above the large island square. (5 rows of each color, changing colors 5 times)
-Then, I sewed the small squares together and then sewed them to the last row of the blanket.
-Once my blanket was all put together, I crocheted a simple double crochet border around the entire piece.
-I had a lot of ends to weave in, but it was all worth it!

I used an H-5.00mm crochet hook to make this blanket
I used all Red Heart Super Saver Yarn

Row of Large Squares:
Number 156
Number 146
Number 127
Number 167
Number 113

Center Square:
I went on to making my square bigger, using THIS PATTERN.
Number 75

Smaller Squares:
Number 178
Number 166
Number 27
Number 111
Number 70
Number 160
Number 164
Number 121
Number 138
Number 175
Number 104
Number 115
Number 150
Number 49

Crochet Tutorial: Hey Daisy Bouquet Granny Square

Crochet Tutorial: Hey Daisy Bouquet Granny Square

I created this design to add to our 365 Days of Granny Squares project. It uses variety of crochet stitches to create a look that reminds me of a flower found in a bouquet. It inspired me to name it “Hey Daisy Bouquet.” I hope you enjoy making your square!

A couple disclaimers before you start: Be sure to check your tension and use the correct size hook for your square. I demonstrate with an H-5.00mm crochet hook in the video tutorial, but you can make yours bigger or smaller by using a bigger or smaller hook. Also, if yours turns out wonky when you are finished, you may need to block this square to make it nice and flat.

Watch this video tutorial to learn how to make this square:

**You can always contact me via Facebook if you have any problems with the pattern. I am happy to help if you have any questions along the way.

***These patterns are copyright YARNutopia © so PLEASE DO NOT COPY, SHARE, ADJUST OR RESELL MY PATTERN. I wrote and tested this pattern myself, from beginning to end. It took a lot of time and work, and I would really like to have it remain “my pattern.”

***You can sell anything you make from my patterns, please just link back to my website Thank you!

Teacher: Nadia Fuad
Video and Editing: Fuad Azmat (My Daddy)
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Designed by Nadia Fuad
You may sell items made from my pattern, but please reference my website
Please do not copy, sell, and/or post this pattern and claim it as your own.

-Red Heart Super Saver Yarn in as many colors as you want. I just used scrap yarn.
-H-5.00mm Crochet Hook
-Yarn Needle

-You can use a smaller or larger hook to make this square depending on your tension.
-The finished square measures 7 inches (approx. 18 cm)

Special stitches:
Ch(s): chain(s)
YO: Yarn Over
St(s): Stitch(es)
Sl st: slip stitch
SK: Skip
SC: Single Crochet
HDC: Half-Double Crochet
DC: Double Crochet
TR: Treble Crochet
SC4TOG: pull up a loop in each of the next 4 chs and then y/o and pull through all 5 of the loops on your hook
Bullion Stitch: wrap 6 times around hook, insert hook into stitch, y/o, pull through, y/o pull through all 8 loops on hook.


If you have any confusion or difficulty with reading this pattern, please watch the video tutorial to have visual instructions.

Start with Magic Ring or ch 5 and sl st to beginning to form ring.

Rnd 1: ch 1, [Bullion, ch 1] 8 times in ring. sl st to 1st Bullion Stitch (8 sts, 8 ch 1 sps)

Rnd 2: In any Ch 1 sp, ch 1, 2 sc in each ch sp around. sl st to beginning. (16 sc)

Rnd 3: in any stitch, * ch 5, work a sc4tog down the ch (see video tutorial for visual instructions), ch 1, sl st to next st, repeat from * around. (16 petals)

Rnd 4: In any ch 1 sp, ch 5 (counts as dc and ch 2 sp), * DC in next ch 1 sp, ch 2, repeat from * around (16 dc and ch 2 sps)

Rnd 5: In any ch 2 sp, ch up 3, [2dc, ch 2, 3 dc] in same ch sp, *ch 1, [2 hdc in next ch sp, ch 1] 3 times, [3dc, ch 2, 3dc] in next sp, repeat from * all around. (see video tutorial for visual instructions)

Rnd 6: In any ch 2 corner sp, ch up 3, [2dc, ch 2, 3 dc] in same ch sp, *ch 1, [2 dc in next ch sp, ch 1] 4 times, [3dc, ch 2, 3dc] in next sp, repeat from * all around. (see video tutorial for visual instructions)

Rnd 7: (Optional) In any ch 2 corner sp, ch up 3, [2dc, ch 2, 3 dc] in same ch sp, *ch 1, [2 dc in next ch sp, ch 1] 5 times, [3dc, ch 2, 3dc] in next sp, repeat from * all around. (see video tutorial for visual instructions)

Fasten off,

Weave in all ends.


~Nadia Fuad